The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Ghana invites applications from researchers interested in disciplines in Mathematics (pure and applied), economics, finance and insurance to participate in the Mathematics and its Applications (MiA) Workshop from 8th to 10th November, 2017.
Organized within the framework of the German Research Chair program in AIMS Ghana, under the Alexander von Humboldt and the German Ministry of Education and Research, the workshop will bring together renowned national scientific researchers and young researchers and graduate students with research interest and experience on mathematics and its applications.
MiA will focus on scientific directions in applications of mathematics. It will also be a platform for initiating collaborative research among researchers at universities and industries in Ghana. The workshop will include research talks and poster presentations.
There are no registration fees.
Eligibility for Academics: You are currently a PhD research student, a faculty member or scientific researcher in any related discipline to the workshop theme.
Eligibility for Industries: You are working in an industry related to insurance, financial, actuarial, economics, etc, and are interested in research collaborations.
State specifically if your research budget will be able to cover your hotel accommodation, transport or meals during your stay at AIMS Ghana.
To apply, please click on this link:
For inquiries, contact Ms. Rhoda Mahamah via email: .
1) Francis K. A. Allotey, AIMS Ghana
2) Olivier Menoukeu Pamen, AIMS Ghana and University of Liverpool
The deadline for submission is 23:59GMT on 18th October, 2017