Call For Application – German Research Chair

Call For Application – German Research Chair

Strengthening Mathematical Higher Education And Research In Africa

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is announcing a research chair, under the programme financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) entitled “German Research Chairs”, at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Accra, Ghana.

The research chair is designed to help strengthen mathematical higher education and research in Africa, promote networking between AIMS Ghana and German higher education institutions and support networking amongst the various AIMS centres in Africa. It is funded through the “German Research Chairs” initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

AIMS Ghana is part of the AIMS-Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI), which seeks to establish a coordinated network of supra-regional centres of excellence in Africa. Further AIMS centres are located in South Africa, Senegal, Rwanda and Cameroon.

The chair holder will simultaneously be appointed to a university in Ghana. Click here to apply

For more information please see the AIMS Ghana programme information.

What we offer

The research chair will receive funding of up to 835,000 euros for initially six years. This money may be used to cover

  • the salary attached to the research chair, to be determined depending on your career stage
  • research stays in Germany
  • participation in conferences in Rwanda and abroad
  • expenses for organising workshops and conferences at the AIMS centre
  • specialist literature, equipment and expendable materials at the AIMS centre

For more information please see the Regulations on the use of funds (PDF, 369 KB) in progress. For the time being, please refer to the version for AIMS Rwanda. We moreover offer access to a wide range of alumni sponsorship measures throughout your professional career, for example, to help you maintain and expand contacts to collaborative partners in Germany.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) will provide you with further funding for cooperating with German higher education institutions and to support networking among AIMS centres (doctoral candidates, mobility) once you have taken up the post.

You must meet the following criteria

We invite you to apply for the German Research Chair in “Mathematics and its Applications” at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Ghana if you

  • have completed your doctorate and established an internationally outstanding research record in mathematics and its applications
  • have several years of experience in research, teaching, and supervising students and, ideally, doctoral candidates
  • conduct application-relevant research into topics with the potential to contribute to the development of the African continent
  • would like to initiate academic collaborations with colleagues at German higher education institutions
  • are willing to relocate to, live and work in Ghana for the duration of the funding period

Please see the programme information for the full application requirements.

How to apply

You may only apply online. When filling in the online application form, please observe the guidelines for completing the application and the information on required documents. Further information and advice important for your applicationbcan be found in the FAQ.
For potential applicants, we offer an online consulting event 6-8 weeks prior to the application deadline. Please register for this event by email.

If you are uncertain, we will be happy to advise you any time: GermanResearchChairs[at]

The application deadline is 1 June 2021.

The selection procedure

An independent Selection Committee that also includes representatives of AIMS Ghana and AIMS-NEI will select the appointee to the research chair based on an independent peer review. In a pre-selection process, suitable candidates will be determined who will be invited to Ghana in the autumn of 2021 to present their work. We will inform applicants of the outcome immediately after the Selection Committee has made its choice.


The Humboldt Foundation expects applicants and funding recipients to abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice (PDF) and the Principles of Ethics in Science.
