The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Ghana invites applications from researchers in mathematical sciences to participate in the Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, CMIA, scheduled from 27th – 30th November 2023 in Accra, Ghana.
The conference is organized within the framework of the German Research Chair program at AIMS Ghana, under the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Ministry of Education and Research, and the DAAD Foundation.
Through various sessions, the conference will provide a unique platform for researchers in mathematical sciences and its applications to present their work and to network with others in their disciplines. It also aims at increasing the cooperation between students and researchers in mathematics and applications on one hand, and various institutions and research centers on the other hand.
- Juma Kasozi: Makerere University, Uganda
- Jules Sadefo Kamdem: University of Montpelier, France
- Youssef Ouknine: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
- Felix Shu: University of Bamenda, Cameroon
Application and Requirements:
Thanks to the sponsorship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Ministry of Education and Research, and the DAAD, and AIMS Ghana, there are no registration fees for all research students and academics.
- Olivier Menoukeu Pamen: U Liverpool and AIMS Ghana
- Prince Osei, AIMS Ghana
- Rhoss Likibi Pellat, AIMS Ghana Research
To apply, click HERE!