After graduating from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Ghana in 2014, Angela enrolled in the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) postgraduate diploma in mathematics. While at ICTP Angela applied for and was awarded the Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Fellowship in 2015 to fund her PhD in mathematics studies at the University of Glasgow, UK. In June 2019, she graduated from the University of Glasgow with a PhD in Mathematics. Angela is currently a Research Associate with interest in Quantum Algebra and the Academic Manager for the Girls in Mathematical Sciences Program (GMSP) at AIMS-Ghana. The GMSP nurtures the talents of secondary school girls from Ghana to unlock their potential in the mathematical sciences. She organizes Science Slam Ghana, a science communication event where researchers present their research to a lay audience in fun and engaging ways. Angela is the founder of Femafricmaths, a non-governmental organization that promotes female African mathematicians. She interviews mathsqueens on the Femafricmaths YouTube channel to inspire young people about the different career options available when you study mathematics.