Angela Tabiri is an AIMS-Google AI Postdoctoral Fellow at AIMS-Ghana. Between September to December 2019, she taught courses in Linear Algebra in the MSc program and Mathematics for Machine Learning in the AMMI program. Her research interests include noncommutative algebra, quantum groups and quantum homogeneous spaces.
Femafricmaths is an NGO she founded to promote African females in mathematics. They interview female African mathematicians and share content on our social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) to inspire young girls that there are diverse career options when you study mathematics. With support from AIMS-Ghana and University of Glasgow, Femafricmaths organised the first Science Slam event in Ghana in 2019. Science Slam is a science communication event where scientists share their research in fun and engaging ways.
Currently, Angela has some volunteers who join her on weekends to teach mathematics in a Junior High School in her community (Ashaiman). They are providing support to BECE candidates so they can pass their exams in June and have access to free Senior High School education provided by the government of Ghana.