Winnie Nakiyingi is a Statistician from Uganda, currently working as a Statistical Consultant for a Denmark-based consultancy firm called Axiom-Dk. Before this, she was a Tutor for the inaugural Masters in Mathematical Sciences for Teachers (MMST) program at AIMS Ghana. Because of her passion for empowering African women and girls in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), she founded Words That Count, an initiative that documents stories of successful African women in STEM. The aim is to present the various career paths on the STEM spectrum to young girls mapping their careers in STEM.
Winnie’s other passion is bridging the gap between the natural and social sciences through collaborations between policymakers, diplomats, and scientists/researchers. In spearheading such Science Diplomacy engagements, she was invited to participate in the inaugural Immersion Program of the Science Diplomacy Week organized by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) and the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR), and hosted in the historic Palais des Nations – the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. Winnie has also been invited to attend the second Science Diplomacy Summit happening in October 2022, in Switzerland.