As a growing woman in STEM, Saphir Volvaiane Mfogo from Cameroon is an inspiration to young girls in Africa. At 25 years, Saphir is a spouse and a mother who combines family life with her PhD studies at the University of Dschang. After graduating from the African Masters in Machine Intelligence (AMMI) program at AIMS Ghana, she obtained a 6-months job contract at the University College London’s Department of Computer Sciences as a Machine Learning Researcher, where the finding of her research contributed to the knowledge bank of the institution.
The AMMI program in Ghana, Saphir developed skills in leadership, socialising, and networking with people of influence in the society. Through this, she is now a member of communities like Deep Learning Indaba (IndabaX), Women In Machine Learning and Data Science (WIMLDS), KmerAI and others with the vision of giving back to the community by strengthening the scope of Artificial Intelligence in Cameroon. Saphir’s PhD studies is sponsored by the United States Army Research Laboratory.