Seth graduated with a degree in Mathematics, from the University of Ghana in 2011. He then proceeded to pursue a Masters in Mathematical Sciences, graduating from AIMS Ghana in 2013. He is currently a theoretical physicist working in the field of quantum gravity. As one of the few Africans in this field, he serves as a support system for African future researchers. He is also open to mentoring new students into the field.
“My experience at AIMS really prepared me for the next few stages in my academic journey. First, it helped me to be more certain which path I wanted to further my studies. Because of my academic background, I got a chance to study at the Perimeter Institute (PI) which is one of the top physics institute in the world. The learning techniques and programming tools which I picked up from AIMS were very useful for my survival at PI. The research phase at AIMS opened my eyes to the lot of useful research resources which has been beneficial to my research work. Having enough experts in theoretical physics across Africa will help to contribute to the development of science within the continent. Physics has proven to be at the heart of developing new forms of technology, in the modern world“.
His area of research tries to understand how gravity and quantum particles interact. Testing these theories require that new technologies are formed, which he believes will be useful and lead to the improvement of lives.