Francis completed his PhD at the University of Cape Coast in statistics, where he looked at techniques for improving climate information for agricultural use. He is a founding director of the African Maths Initiative Ghana (AMI Ghana), a not-for-profit organisation whose overriding objective is to support the improvement of education and other scientific developmental projects through the development of a positive mathematical culture and research initiatives at all academic levels within Ghana and the rest of the African continent. Again, he is a co-founder of Nulla Waste Management Services, an organisation that strives to minimise plastic waste and eradicate pollution through active collection, recycling and awareness creation.
Currently, Francis is a postdoctoral impact activation fellow at IDEMS International, a social enterprise based in the UK which works collaboratively with diverse partners to enable the evolution of innovations in development, education and the mathematical sciences that can impact lives globally. He is looking into the potential of establishing IDEMS Ghana. Francis is also a member of the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) team in Africa and has been working closely with Meteorological Services in African countries to encourage the use of their historical climatic data for agricultural decision making especially amongst smallholder farmers.
AIMS Ghana taught Francis to be a problem solver and served as the platform that introduced him to the tools and experiences he has developed for work in his current role. It was the first place Francis had the experience of working with historical climatic data. AIMS Ghana also allowed Francis to connect with supervisors and mentors who have significantly supported his growth as a researcher and in his current role.