AIMS Ghana Hosts IEPA

AIMS Ghana on the 8th of April 2021, hosted the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), a fellow UNESCO Category II Centre of Excellence. As part of the program, the team from IEPA met with the AIMS Ghana management team to discuss prospective collaborations. IEPA management present included; Dr. Michael Boakye -Yiadom, Director General,

Mathematics with Fun

The Regular Master of Mathematical Sciences Students visited the Legon Botanical Gardens and Ghana Tech Lab on 31st March 2021 and 1st April 2021, respectively. This was to use the reading week of the academic calendar to enable students to refresh their minds after a long period of consecutive lectures. The visit to the Legon

AIMS Ghana in a Nutshell

This video summarizes the establishment of AIMS Ghana; the vision, the mission, programmes and researches that happen at the centre. Established in 2012 with the support of the Government of Ghana, AIMS Ghana is the third Centre of Excellence to be created under the AIMS Global Network (AIMS Next Einstein Initiative). AIMS Ghana offers: A
